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Mental Health Supports
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Psychological Counselling

Wellness and Counselling Centre (WACC) provides psychological counselling service to facilitate students’ adjustment to university life, to enable them cope with challenges effectively, and to enhance their personal growth and development.

All registered full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students of CUHK are eligible for counselling service offered by WACC free-of-charge.

For students who are new to WACC counselling service, please book an initial assessment session online. Our counsellor will meet you to understand your needs and situation, so that immediate advice or assistance can be provided where necessary. 

For details, please visit our website or contact the WACC office at 3943 7208 / 3943 3493.

Mental Wellness Initiatives and Training

Apart from our campus-wide mental health promotions, we organize year-round initiatives for students to develop a robust set of skills to enhance their psychological wellbeing during university years and beyond. Visit our website to join the upcoming programmes.

We offer a range of professional mental health training to equip our students and staff with the skills and knowledge to support other students in need more effectively. Let’s join hands to cultivate a caring and supportive campus environment!

Mental Health Resources

We provide online platforms for students and staff to access handy information related to mental health and related activities. Check out the self-help articles and videos from our website, YouTube channel, Facebook and Instagram pages.

Mental Health Screening for New Students

Take 5 minutes to complete our mental health screening and gain insights into your wellbeing. It is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL!

For more details, please visit

24-hour Emotional Support Hotline 5400 2055

This hotline serves to provide emotional support to CUHK full-time students and part-time PGDE students. It operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The service is provided by the counsellors of the Christian Family Service Centre.

Peer Support Network

uBuddies Peer Counselling Network

The uBuddies Peer Counselling Network is dedicated to promoting a caring culture on campus and fostering the spirit of peer mutual support and peer counselling. In addition to providing emotional support to CU students through the Treehole@uBuddies Instagram, uBuddies also organizes a range of meaningful service projects, including Dr. Dog Exam Visit, Exam Cheering Activities, Music Therapy Workshops, and Hiking Activities, which help to fill up positive energy on campus.

uPals Wellness Promotion Team

In order to increase students’ awareness of mental health, the uPals Wellness Promotion Team implements various wellness projects on campus, such as organizing Mindful Yoga Classes, Expressive Arts Workshops, and Healing Trips, whilst continuously promoting mental health on Instagram and WeChat. Working in conjunction with uBuddies, uPals conducts all training and activities in English to provide appropriate peer support to CU students.

uShine SEN Service Team

The uShine SEN Service Team (uShiners) is a group of students trained to support students with SEN in their adjustment to campus life, while raising awareness and understanding of SEN among the CUHK community through organizing diverse promotion activities and campaign. uShiners strive to foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment that enables all students to thrive and shine in their own way.

SEN Service

CUHK is committed to promoting equal opportunities in academic pursuits for every student. To facilitate and enrich the campus life and learning experience of full-time students with special educational needs (SEN), SEN Service (SENS) coordinates with different CUHK units to provide the following support:

• Learning aids & equipment

• On-campus Rehabus service

• Barrier-free facilities on campus

• Examination and class accommodations

• Student hostel accommodations

• Peer support

• Integration and inclusion activities

• Social-emotional enhancement programmes

• Career counselling

• Psychological counselling

• General medical care

Further, to drive an inclusive learning environment, SENS also organizes an array of programmes and activities to raise and strengthen the awareness and capacity to support students with different needs and abilities among CUHK staff and students. 

To learn more about or to register for the above support services, please visit the SENS website or contact the office via the following:

Tel: (852) 3943 5441 / 3943 0338


Address: Room 311, 3/F, Pommerenke Student Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong